Авторизуйтесь, чтобы проголосовать за ролик! За ролик пока что никто не голосовал... Категория ролика: Рыбалка Код ролика: Ссылка ролика: Теги: soccer, league, iceland, goal, football, fishing, ever, celebration, best, american football
If this video is anything to go by, goal celebrations have certainly come a long way since Roger Milla wiggled his hips down by the corner flag.
No longer is a mere dance good enough for some players, as Icelandic top flight side Stjarnan proved in their game against Fylkir at the weekend. With the game seemingly heading for a 1-1 draw, the home side were awarded a penalty in the dying moments. Up stepped Halld |
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4573 просмотра 3 Рыбалка
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7971 просмотр 1 Джеркбейт
4033 просмотра 1 Спорт
4834 просмотра 1 Спорт
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