Авторизуйтесь, чтобы проголосовать за ролик! За ролик пока что никто не голосовал... Категория ролика: Снасти Код ролика: Ссылка ролика: Теги: steelhead, spinner, salmon, mepps spinner, mepps, alaska
Casts like a bullet... Drops Quickly... Runs Deep...
Here is the perfect salmon and steelhead lure for the pier or stream fisherman. It is proven in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest. The Mepps Flying C is a heavyweight spinner that drops deep and stays deep throughout the retrieve. In fact, its one of Mepps deepest running spinners. Its bright fluorescent sleeve acts as a highly reflective attractor. The Flying C comes in two hefty weights: 5/8 oz. and 7/8 oz. Two heavy duty blade sizes: #4 & #5. Bodies are solid brass. Silver blades are genuine silver plate. Gold blades are polished brass. Painted blades are finished with computer age epoxy. All Flying Cs are available with either a perma steel treble or single salmon hook. |
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