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I had a blast filming this video of these bass attacking the top water Moreau Mouse. I wanted to see if the fish here in Alabama would eat a swimming mouse, and these big bass proved that a mouse wouldn't stand a chance swimming across a lake.
The mouse I used has an excellent walking the dog action and a very nice paint job. For more information on the Moreau Mouse, go to http://www.moreaubaits.com. To see our website, go to http://www.bassfishingalabama.com |
11278 просмотров 0 Рыбалка
11992 просмотра 1 Рыбалка
9911 просмотров 0 Рыбалка
7601 просмотр 0 Рыбалка
6407 просмотров 0 Рыбалка
12397 просмотров 0 Рыбалка
14031 просмотр 2 Рыбалка
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7522 просмотра 0 Рыбалка
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